Personality Tests
Sooo this week we were taking personality tests. Not exactly sure what to make of them... The first test I took was the Jung Typology test. Basically you answer a series of statements and rate how much they represents you. According to the test I'm 9% more of an extrovert than an introvert, which by the way , I don't necessarily disagree with. I have a 16% preference of using my intuition rather than my senses, 12% preference of feeling over thinking and 6% of judging over perceiving. I think overall the test wasn't too bad but I think it was limited in what it asked. The second test I took was a quiz that ranked which Harry Potter house you would be sorted into. Once again it was a series of statements. The first part of the test asked you how much you agreed with each statement and the second part was about how easy you found each task listed. This test had multiple statements that were worded just a little differently but still conveyed the same idea so I guess it ha...