Summary: Scientists at University of Warwick England discovered that the ectoenzyme, E-NTPDase2, could lead to eye generation. After a series of tests, they determind that E-NTPDase2 was the only ectoenzyme that drove eye development and found that by increasing levels of this ectoenzyme along with ATP and ADP in tadpoles, they could grow parts of the eye on other body parts of the tadpole besides the head. Since eye development is similar in frogs and humans it’s a breakthrough in stem cell reaserach and scientists hope to be able to grow progenitor cells for different eye types.
My take on this:
Honestly without my glasses I could probably see about less than a foot in front of me so any progress in the vision field is a victory for me! XD
The idea of growing eyes on a frogs tail is kind of sickening(imagine if all our backyards had 4eyed frogs running around! Yikes) but I think it really cool what this discovery could lead to. Who knows, maybe eye transplants maybe the cure of bad vision in the future. ( not sure I would get one tho)
Well despite my bad vision I take consolation in the fact that I can see colors perfectly :)
My take on this:
Honestly without my glasses I could probably see about less than a foot in front of me so any progress in the vision field is a victory for me! XD
The idea of growing eyes on a frogs tail is kind of sickening(imagine if all our backyards had 4eyed frogs running around! Yikes) but I think it really cool what this discovery could lead to. Who knows, maybe eye transplants maybe the cure of bad vision in the future. ( not sure I would get one tho)
Well despite my bad vision I take consolation in the fact that I can see colors perfectly :)
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